My Husband Does Not Post Me On Social Media (And That’s Okay)

Rachel West
3 min readJan 22, 2021

My husband is not big on social media. Honestly, if you looked at his social media prior to meeting me, you would have probably thought he was a robot. I know I was not sure at first when he messaged me if he was real, until he sent me a snapchat of his face verifying he was a real person. He’s just not big into social media.

I, on the other hand, love social media. I love sharing random post, posting pictures, and just the all around conversations on social media. I have several hundred of “friends” (more like people I do not know), and my husband has maybe three hundred.

I love to tag him in post of funny memes, photos of us, or just anything related to our child. For the longest of time, he did not react. I hate to admit it, but it caused fights.

“So and so’s husband reacts to all her posts, but you can’t?” “Honey, I’m working long days, then I come home, and I spend time with you.”

He does better now, but why was this even an issue?

Then came all those cutesy posts these men were making about their wives or girlfriends, or comments on their posts. I would love to say I was not jealous, but that would be a lie. It literally caused fights. Why didn’t my husband love me like those other husbands loved their significant others?

I was talking to a girl one day about how lucky she was her spouse posted about her all the time. She shocked me with the sheer honesty of her answer. As it turned out, she strived for the perfect life so bad that she would take his phone and get on his social media so she could post under his name about her and how perfect their family is. I had been so envious about a completely fake social media relationship.

This situation should not be used to represent everyone man on social media. Some men actually are just not private, like my husband is. These have made me realize that my husband does love me just as much, if not more, than these other men. His way of showing it is not to blast it all over social media. He is very private, and I respect that.

His way of showing me that he loves me is making sure I get to go to sleep a few minutes earlier than he does, even though he’s worked a 10–12 hour day, just because he knows how tired I am. It’s bringing me that nutritional tea home even though it’s a complete waste of money in his opinion. It’s the taking our son to town with him so I can catch up on college work in peace. It’s the getting up on Saturdays to work, even though he has already worked 5 straight days without a day off. He does not love with words. He loves with actions.

You can have your social media posts, I’ll keep letting my husband love me in private.

